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A cup of Owa Coffee |
Pekalongan usually known by the tagline “Kota Pengrajin Batik” that have hot and scorching weather. But, apparently who knows this place have some areas on the slopes mountain with cool and far from the air pollution, namely Petungkriyono.
Petungkriyono for those who already hear and know this area is often referred as “The Heart of Java”, due to the oxygen levels are very abundant if compared with the other areas especially In Pantura areas. Sometimes Petungkriyono also called “Negeri Di Atas Awan”.
- Menapaki Serpihan Surga Di Pesona Petungkriyono Pesona Indonesia
- Batik Petungkriyono : Pattern of Nature Lies On Batik
Petungkriyono Landmark |
Sokokembang Forest in Petungkriyono Area |
Along the way, the natural mountain scenery spoiled our eyes. Fresh air is like a refreshing medicine. The sound of animal shriek sounded upon entering the forest area of Sokokembang, a village and the first forest in Petungkriyono. Finally after take a distance of approximately 5 kilometers, first spot that read "PETUNGKRIYONO – National Nature Heritage" welcomed.
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Ilustration Javanese Owa by Google |
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Taksonomy Javanese Owa by REDLIST – Guiding conservation for 50 years. |
The Javanese Owa (Hylobates moloch) is a small ape species that only exist in Java. The shrill of his voice is often hear in the morning, has a steady cruising, and his favorite eating the fruits of the forest. His life in small group (2-7 individuals), and belongs to the most loyal (monogamy) animals because he only lives with his partner. In fact, if his partner dies, an Javanese Owa willing to live his self throughout the age. These animals now be protected animals, because their distribution is currently limited due to habitat fragmentation, forest degradation, and hunters.
The average female owa gives birth once every three years, with a pregnancy period is 7 months. His children are breastfed until the age of 18 months, and continue with his family to adulthood, which he reached at the age of about 8 years.
Iam the lucky one can take Owa picture directly ❤❤ |
The other Owa ❤❤ |
The Javanese Owa is a diurnal and arboreal animal, fully living above the trees canopy. Especially eating fruits, leaves and flowers, a small group of Javanese Owa exploring the forest canopy by climbing and swinging from tree to tree by relying on the agility and strength of the arms. His weight averaged is 8 kilograms.
Javanese Owa groups will attempt to defend his territory, usually covering 17 hectares, from the presence of other groups. In the early morning and also at certain times day and afternoon, the female owa will sound her voice to announce her family's territorial territory. From inter-group voices, and audible to this great distance, researchers can estimate the number of gamut groups that exist, and then guess the number of individuals.
The Javanese Owa take a lunch ❤❤❤ |
I think he waiting the couple ❤❤❤ |
This species of Javanese Owa found in the western part of Java Island too. The easternmost spread is in the area of Mount Slamet as well as in the Dieng west of Pekalongan region.
Based on data from Indonesia International Conservation (2009) population of Javanese Owa are flirty estimated to be left around 4000 - 5000. The Javanese owa distributed in three national parks, namely Ujung Kulon National Park, Gede Pangrango Mountain, and Halimun Mountain. In addition, some Javanese Owa can be found in some nature reserves such as Simpang Nature Reserve, Papandayan, Talaga Warna, Tilu, Kendeng, and Slamet.
Because the population is declining, IUCN Redlist incorporates the Javanese Owa in "Endangered" conservation status (EN: Endangered). In addition, CITES also includes this rare primate in the Appendix I list which means it could not be traded.
The main cause of the increasing scarcity of Javanese Owa is the reduced habitat due to deforestation and agricultural land conversion. Whereas the Javanese Owa includes animals that are very 'loving' territorial where although the territory (territorial) began to run out the primates are almost extinct is still unmoved and do not want to move. This has the potential to make the Javanese Owa die of hunger. In addition to the loss of forest as a habitat of the Javanese Owa, poaching also causes the scarcity of the Owa. Often, the hunter is shooting dead the parent to take his son.
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A cup of Owa Coffee |
Robusta IDR 15k, Arabica IDR 20k |
Coffee Bean |
Coffee Bean |
Then, why is this coffee called Javanese Owa Coffee? This is the interesting side, the coffee and the preservation of the Javanese Owa. Unlike Luwak coffee, the process of making coffee can not be separated from the role of animal mongoose as an intermediary. In Soko Kembang forest, the actual practice of coffee cultivation has greatly influenced the future of Java's Javanese preservation and directly raised the economies of the people around the forest.
Here the linkage between coffee, sustainability of the Javanese Owa and the creative economy can really understood. The cycle is like symbiotic mutualism (equally beneficial). The coffee plants grow wild in the forest, under the shade of natural trees inhabited by endemic Javanese animals like the Javanese Owa. Then, this coffee are traditionally processed by communities around the forest in the Sokokembang hamlet, which retains natural trees as an important consequence for the conservation of Java's Javanese habitat and other endemic animals.
On the other hand, in terms of economy, that people around the forest to cultivate coffee as a livelihood. Finished coffee (in packaged form) is sold at local supermarkets until out of town. The price was quite expensive. A man who sells in his own shop Mr Tasuri who happens to be the manager of Sokokembang Eco Adventure. Right in front of his house, a simple room he transformed into a tavern with the name Omah Owa. Omah Owa is often used as a place to stop the visitors from various directions, ranging from students in and out of town, local governments, as well as researchers primates and forests from within and abroad. Whether just to rest while tasting the typical coffee Sokokembang before adventure around Petungkriyono, or curious to play in Sokokembang Eco Adventure
Enjoying Owa Coffee coffee indeed feels very different, Especially if you enjoying that coffee directly in a place where the coffee is came from. This is where creating a different world of coffee. Not just drinking coffee and dreaming about the process, but what is involved in a cup of coffee for the preservation of the forest that became the habitat of the Javanese Owa.
Wow, I just hear about Owa Coffee. And Owa, I never see this animal before.
BalasHapusPlease come to Petungkriyono Pekalongan, you will see that Owa directly
HapusBudget brp klo ksana ?
BalasHapusBudget nya terjangkau kantong mahasiswa kok mas.. so langsung agendakan yakkkk...
HapusDid you bring the coffee home bang? :)
BalasHapusYes iam..
Hapusi bought some to bring home, come to my home and i'll give u one.. ;)
Minta biji kopinya dong mas. Sisa nggak?
BalasHapusyacchhh... wes entonk...
Hapusayo tak anter ksana buat beli kopinya...