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Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia

Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia Indonesia is the first country in Southeast Asia elected to organize the Asian Para Games 2018. Through this moment, Indonesia has the opportunity to prove itself to realize the equality of rights and opportunities for disability to a prosperous, independent and undiscriminatory life to be better live, and to make Indonesia be the one of the Asian disability friendly countries. With the slogan "Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia", APG 208 comes with four missions, determination, courage, equality and inspiration. These four missions are expected to introduce the strong determination and self-confidence of the athletes in the face of all challenges, both physically and mentally.

Rabu, 27 Desember 2017

/ by Misterransel
Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia

Indonesia is the first country in Southeast Asia elected to organize the Asian Para Games 2018. Through this moment, Indonesia has the opportunity to prove itself to realize the equality of rights and opportunities for disability to a prosperous, independent and undiscriminatory life to be better live, and to make Indonesia be the one of the Asian disability friendly countries.

As the 1962 Asian Games which leaving a sport centre Gelora Bung Karno Senayan, designation of Indonesia as the organize of Asian Para Games 2018 is expected to leave something physically and non physically. From a physically viewed, sports facilities that meet the accessibility requirements persons with disabilities are expected to provide wider opportunities for anyone with any condition to exercise. From non-physical viewed, the inheritance to be abandoned and conserved is the increase of public awareness of the existence of sports especially disability people, understanding of disability issues in general, and the importance of active participation and the empathetic environment for all society.

As organize of Asian Para Games (APG) 2018, Indonesia prepares to receive the attendance almost 3000 disabilities athletes and official from 42 Asian countries of the Asian Paralympic Committee. A total 17 sports with 582 match will be overlaid for eight days from October 6 until October 13 2018. As the 2018 Asian Games who will be held in Jakarta and Palembang has started various preparatory activities, as well as 2018 Indonesia Asian Para Games Organizing Committee (INAPGOC) which is currently doing some preparation, including socialization in 20 place in 16 cities in Indonesia.

Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia

With a booth format in several mall in each area visited, they are Medan, Palembang, Batam, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Bali, Makassar, Samarinda and Ambon. INAPGOC disseminates information and activities involving representatives of the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of INAPGOC representatives, disabilities athletes, disabilities communities, hobby communities and mall visitors. In Solo, APG Booth 2018 held in Solo Grand Mall from December 03, 2017 until December 15, 2017.

The socialization conducted 20 place in 16 cities is the initial socialization, because until the APG implementation in 2018, INAPGOC will keep informing the community about APG 2018. The APG 2018 socialization activity is done through mass media, offline activities and social media.

Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia

Preparatory stages that are currently underway are the improvement of sports facilities and athletes' dormitory utilizing existing facilities. Some renovations will be made to meet any matching needs that match the needs of athletes, such as elevators and bathrooms that can be easily accessed by wheelchairs. In addition, INAPGOC has also received visits from representatives of several international sports federations intending to provide input on technical and non technical readiness. A few days ago, precisely December 6-8, 2017, INAPGOC has informed the progress of the preparations that have been made, and outlines the strategic and tactical plans that will be implemented until October 2018 to the Asian Paralympic Committee in Dubai.

Socialize Asian Para Games 2018, The Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia

With the slogan "Inspiring Spirit and Energy of Asia", APG 208 comes with four missions, determination, courage, equality and inspiration. These four missions are expected to introduce the strong determination and self-confidence of the athletes in the face of all challenges, both physically and mentally. In addition, this four-yearly event also seeks to promote equality in community life, as well as make the action of athletes penyampdang disabilitas as sources of inspiration and motivation. The strong slogan is also supported by the presence of a mascot named Momo (Motivation and Mobility) which takes inspiration from the Eagle Bondol animals.

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