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The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work Wise in managing time Healthy Lifestyle Find some university which implement flexible schedules The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

/ by Misterransel
The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

As a child who has rich parents, this condition between continuing study or work is does not matter. From the beginning entry high school, they must be a desire to continue to college level, because they only needs intention and desire only. However, for some young people who have parents didn’t rich, the intention will be hit to the most Indonesian problem, namely is "COST".

From that problem “Cost”, becomes a dilemma between continuing study or work? Not many people who have achievements and have a strong desire to endure education when leaving high school, they decide going to work.

The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

Actually, for those people who have worked still able to continue their education. This problem can be tricked in so many ways, which the most important is great determination and earnest effort.

Many university open classes at unusual hours, such as afternoons or evenings, some university open on holidays. This is because the higher demand for study began to change. Many of those people who work day after day, spend their time to continue their study.

A time study which can be used by the workers to study in non-working hours called "Employee Class/ Exstension Class". Indeed, if thought at a glance will be tiring, but if this condition undertaken can be a new challenge that must be faced.

For workers with regular working hours is not difficulty, because they usually working only in the morning. At the afternoons or evenings they can take advantage to taking the classes. But for unregular workers, this situation is little bit confusing, because work hours is unfixed, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the day and sometimes at the night.

This is the tips for you who have unregular time workers who intend the study: 

Find some university which implement flexible schedules
It means the university having schedules of classes an early morning, afternoon, and evening hours, even if it's possible a day off. So If you work in the morning, you can take the classes in afternoon, and vice versa.

The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

Wise in managing time
Study and work require a lot of energy, it can make fatigue. Therefore, set aside enough of time to rest and reduce activities that do not support your goals. Take a rest, especially sleep which can make our body wrestle every day with the big activity can not be relentless refilled power again, so if you have enough a rest make the body performance and mind will be maximized.

The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

Healthy Life
Activities in two aspects, between continuing study and going to work, sometimes making us forget the time, sometimes we forget our bodies, such as eating and resting. Therefore, create a good schedule, so that you are familiar with a healthy lifestyle, which is to eat regularly, regular exercise and regular breaks. The over time things you do by obligated will be a common thing.It just need stronger determination.

The Solutions To Resolve Dilemma Between Continuing Study or Work

Those are some tips for you to be successful studies while working. While we are still young, there is no harm if we feel tired and obligated to go to study, because by dabbling in the world study, our insights will be increasing.

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  1. Thanks for the tips! Yep, studying while working is sure a challenge.. Finding best campus that fit the time will be the main concern. That's why I choose Universitas Terbuka to continue my study.

  2. Long time a go I took study in a university while working... And it rather bit confusing because my body not strong enough, too tired ...hehehe

  3. i will continue my study in Indonesia Open Unvesity in Jakarta. I am a wroker, so get online class 2 times a week.

    For me this is not about managing time between work and class, but i am lazy continue my study but i have to.


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