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Sendangsono : Shrine For Restless Soul

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Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Located in Banjaroyo village, Kalibawang District, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta 55672; The Cave of Maria is not only contemplation Catholics, but also acts as a cultural trail. The Cave of Maria Sendangsono built in 1927-1929 and was inaugurated on December 8, 1929.

Sendangsono was named by its location. Sendang means water spring and Sono means The Sono or Sonokeling tree, denoting that the spring is located under The Sono tree. If you will see the spring and the sono tree, please turn right upon entering the gate. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see the spring clearly because it is closed with glass box. The word "Spring" is a Javanese term to identify the source of the water, while the "Sono" means The Sono / Angsana Tree. The Sources of water under The Sono tree sacred by local people. It is said that according to legend, there are two beings that controlled the area, that of a mother named Dewi Lantamsari, and her only child, Den Baguse Samijo. Also according to the story told between generations, Sendangsono water source, known as Semagung, used as a retreat for monks who want to travel to Borobudur. Although now the spring chamber is closed by a glass case, visitors can still feel the coolness of the spring water that has flowed through the water faucet. Normally the pilgrims would wash my face and also took home the water from the spring that has been prayed.

The water source Semagung / Sendangsono then blessed by Rama van Lith SJ on December 14, 1904 and became a baptistery 173 Catholics. According to Catholic belief, water that has been used for baptism (blessed) shall be holy water. JB Rama. Prennthaler SJ in 1923 proposed that Sendangsono into the holy place by building the cave where the position of The Holy Mary. The Holy Mary statue was obtained from Switzerland and transported together from Sentolo Wates, Kulon Progo, 30 km from Sendangsono. On December 8, 1929 The Cave of Maria Sendangsono was blessed.

The Cave of Maria Sendangsono that is destined for a place of pilgrimage and a place of worship is an expression of gratitude Catholics Kalibawang. The gratitude is given by the congregation thorugh the Holy Mary. There are 19 bells in Sendangsono as a means of support of worship, which reads each at 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 pm. 1958 built 14 stations (small houses) by statues way of the cross, as a symbol of contemplation Catholics.

1969 Romo Mangunwijaya Sendangsono contribute to development. After he died, Sendangsono interpreted with the understanding Wastu image that triggered the Father Joseph Bilyarta Mangunwijaya. Sendangsono architecture similar to the style of Javanese house building, consisting of the court, the home front, middle and back which has its own function. Sendangsono divided into three parts, namely the driveway, courtyard, and sacral area. Paths cross roads divided into two, long and short. Way of the Cross represents the journey of human life to achieve happiness.

Sendangsono built in the architectural style of Java remains illustrate a belief of the Christian faith through the Chapel of the Holy Trinity (Trinity), the Chapel of the Apostles, the Chapel of Mary Mother of All Nations and the Millennium Cross was established in 2000. The conviction of Mary as the Mother of Jesus interceding for Catholics gratitude and requests to God. The Holy Mary venerated as Mother to bless, protect, and help people who want to get closer to God spiritually. Sendangsono be perpetuating the birth of a Catholic church in the area Kalibawang. Along with the development of Catholics, The Cave of Maria Sendangsono also participated chapped as a place of worship and pilgrimage.

Mass schedule at Sendangsono
Aside from being a place of pilgrimage, in Sendangsono also always held regular mass. There was a schedule as follows:
• Every first Friday at the beginning of the month at 15:00 pm
• Every second week Saturday at 20:00 pm and continued with slawatan
• Every Saturday at 20:00 pm during the month of Mary (May and October)

Although I am a Moslem, visiting to Sendangsono is not a taboo. Sendangsono is really open to all faiths. So why be hesitate to travel there?? Indeed, Catholics worship in Sendangsono. But, you know that scene there was savory winsome eyes? There is a river, a bridge on the top, then have place to sit.

It’s a great place!!!
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